So Close...So Very Close.

Just looked out my windows, everything's frozen, even the sunshine. Orchards look lovely, the large garden is blanketed white, and I could barely look at the red barn because it was so bright.

There are no children to break my morning's peaceful and freezing silence, as they are all parceled off.  There's water in the kettle boiling for the first cup of tea. Total luxurious quiet!  School is going to start soon enough and then mornings sneak attack.  School for Snape and Snapelings will start and a million things will crowd my mind before the coffee percolates, but this's just a quiet anticipation for the first cup of strong, black tea with cream and sugar.

 I almost typed, 'it's the small things,' but I slightly startled myself laughing as I thought, 'what the heck about a quiet morning is a small thing, you silly woman?'

Then the Snape comes downstairs just as I take my first few sips of tea, and the Beast Child calls because he's having possible issues with his appendectomy that occurred the week before Christmas break.  I have to laugh, really, else I'd cry.

'Twas all an illusion.


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