Autumn and the Fringers.
After trying to open up my computer that I only use for writing, there's an amount of messages telling me to do stuff that overwhelms! Electronic technology. It's challenging getting into a plethora of Microsoft instructions or Googe-yadayadayadas that I can't seem to keep up with due to the fact that my brain interprets these things with grunts and squeaks or like Charlie Brown's Mom saying "Wah-wah wah, Wah-wah wah wah-wah.". Seriously, it hurts my mind as I try to read the technical instructions that help figure this stuff out. 'Technical' definitely isn't a word that could ever be used to describe my mind. In fact, the brain cells that most people use to organize themselves were mostly all lost in the amniotic fluid that floated me inside the womb. I laugh and wince at the same time at that paragraph. The inability to use the proper clockwork of my mind has made me work hard for any little bit of organization I've ever had. Honestly, t...