Art, Conversation, and Remembrance.

Sitting in my cozy studio, armored against the chill in fuzzy socks, the Snape's very warm, thick pajamas, a mohair blanket over my lap and one over my head.  With all my curly hair poking out crazily from beneath, my nose red from cold and smudged mascara, I could easy be cast byJim Henson as a muppet soothsayer.

Here's a pic of a corner of this oh-so-peaceful room from where I'm sitting. That hallway just outside the arch is smothered ceiling to floor with books.  Meander out of the room and then to the left, the bookshelves continue.  If you're a bibliophile (coughs) than that stretch of distance will make puddles in your mouth.  Being surrounded by art, art supplies, books, and pictures of my Snapelings is bliss.  Add a cup of coffee in a Spode mug, and....happy sigh.

Mostly clean

Not at all clean

It is ridiculously foggy out over the orchards.  Looks very magical as the clouds roll across and in between the endless rows orange trees stretching for miles.  Those tree limbs are drooping to the ground with nearly-ripe fruit which polka-dot-glow orange in the fog. I would take a photo for you, but I've finally just gotten warm!  Tomorrow.

January really does transform this county to resemble the Scottish Highlands. The Farmcastle is just snuggled at the base of the Sierra Navadas, a mountain range that makes you feel insect-sized as it impressively looms over us with it's massive peaks (finally) covered in loads of snow.  The mist creeps around them in giant, slow moving patches which make me think fondly of Hobbits, Elves and Wizards. I am blessed to live in this place during these months.  Ask me if I feel the same mid August and I'll shrink back and hiss at you like Gollum, but not today.  When I looked out my window this morning (quickly passing from covers to kitchen coffee pot), it was breathtaking.

I was impressed with the kids energy this morning.  Quite a lot is happening in their world, including an art show tomorrow where the Eldest Child and Troubadour will show their works.  They've created stunning pieces of water color for entry, which luckily The Snape and I will go get to view tomorrow afternoon.  Not sure who is more excited, them or us.  The Eldest pushed herself without hesitation to try something she'd never done before, on quite a scale.  Here is her submission and notice her hands on the edges to judge the size:  

Results of children loving the music of their parents

   Also, today The Youngest child has try outs for the local Jr College orchestra.  She is in love with her cello, and will get to display her great affair after school.  It's a big day for her, and she's really surprised me at how cool about it all she is.  Bravery.  She always has been the bravest of creatures for being so teensy.

The Youngest Child in her Wonderland

Once school ends, it's off to the woods for sculpture supplies.  Fingers crossed I find what I need.

The Snape has been sending me love notes today.  I love it when he's in this frame of mind...makes me feel rather Princessy.  Makes up for him letting Sam (the laziest bulldog I've ever met) in our room during the wee hours of the morning, and Sam's compulsion to plop his body on my face for his own comfort.  Couldn't go back to sleep after that.  I'm so tired today.   

Changing gears, we bought a game on Amazon called Table Topics to play with the kids when we're relaxing in the evening.  All the five star reviews were accurate. One of the questions posed to us all was "If you're family was cast by actors, who would play who?"  Here is the collective agreement by all, and oddly enough without any dispute.

The Snape:  Viggo Mortenson 
Me:  Helena Bonham Carter
The Eldest: Robin Wright
The Beast:  Jack Black
The Viking:  Owen Wilson
The Troubadour: Daniel Radcliff
The Youngest: Evanna Lynch

Ohhhh it made me smile.

That game really is quite fantastic for getting dialogue sparked.  Be advised, however, that although most of the questions evoke fond and most times humorous memories, sometimes not all answers will necessarily be happy ones.  For us, the game promotes realness within our group (and patience, as everyone is allowed their own truth), and we've laughed, teared up, and of course just the opportunity of communication brings us close.  

I highly recommend Table Topics if you're encouraging your kids to open up (or get them off the games), hopefully you'll have as memorable of an evening as we've had.  They also come in different packs for a variety of players, from Couple's, Family Dinner, Teens, etc.  Expensive but worthy. The Snape wants to get the couple's one just because.

The Snape wants to converse with me!  Huzzah!

On a more somber note, and a thought that's been constantly on the edge of my mind, tomorrow is the memorial service for an incredible young man I had the privilege of serving with in a teenage recovery program.  Jacob Hull had a staggering impact on my boys when they were trying to make it through Jr High.  The blindingly beautiful light that was Jacob has been a devastating loss to our entire community, as he affected countless others in the fashion he did my boys, with empathy, gentleness, kindness always, and an unending belief in his God.  I'm happy your resting in the arms of Heaven, sweet boy.  May we all be as passionate to the service and care of others as you daily, thoughtfully and intentionally displayed in your life.  I'll think of you always.

With much admiration and love to you, sweetest Jacob. 

Now that I'm teary, it's time to get off of here and get cracking on making a gazillion green chili burritos to freeze for kid snacks.  I made a couple dozen Monday and they're already gone.  They feed the stretching limbs of growing teenagers. Some days that's all I do, is cook, cook, and cook.  Worth it though.


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