
I'm attempting calmness as I sip coffee, listening to Celtic harp music on Pandora, and eating my super healthy pumpkin bread.  I'm alone in the house and gearing up for preparation of our Robert Burns night of Scottish poetry, food, kilts and music by candlelight.

I'm determined anxiety will not get the better of my morning.

Besides our night of Highland revel, I've also got to finish whipping this house into shape so I can sculpt.  It's past time.  I've been sinking inside myself from not creating, but I cannot create unless this house is in a modicum of order.  It's mostly there, but finding the energy to get up and finish is challenging.  Today I'm determined to finish the cleaning, and regardless of how it turns out, I've got to start building the base for the new piece that's been plaguing me for weeks.

Thursday and Friday the kids and I will take after school picnics into the forest to find natural materials I need for the piece.  I'm going to attempt experimentation with clay, twigs, moss and other forest-y finds. If this works out the way I'm hoping, then there will be a series of mythical wood creatures that will come to life in my sanctuary.  They seem to be scratching at my brain, trying to be set free.  It's time for the agony of art birthing.

The Eldest Child has been in a constant state of art creation for weeks.  I'm ridiculously proud of her answering the call to her being.  There's been so much of that late in this house.  Last night the Youngest Child filled the house with sounds of her cello, accompanied by her musician brother on his guitar, and he, The Eldest, The Youngest and Troubadour filled every room in this house with the richness of a perfect four part harmony.  Could I be any more blessed as a mother than to witness this creation? Art is their focus, be it painting, drawing, composing music, etc. I love hearing them learn the parts of soprano, tenor, alto, and bass, and then feeling the chills as their perfect voices blend together in chorus.

Afterwards, when everyone is spent from exerting all their energy, they settle in our comfy sitting room and read.

I suppose it really is a life of charm and beauty that I lead, and must accept that with art does come the chaos of it's production.

  It's a beautiful thing to watch your family sponge in life through these means.  So, the Burns Night (though a day late, I know!) is just an excuse to fuel that holy fire.

It's helpful to write all this out.  To remember that I live in a glorious Farm Castle, that The Snape is a beautiful creature who chooses every day to belong to me, that The Snapelings are incredible spirits that fill this place with life.  No amount of every day hum-drum can compare to the beauty that creates this magic.  Very important to realize all of this.

Tonight, I'll appreciate my tall, lanky, gorgeous, brooding husband who is so full of passion that he affects everyone he walks past. His eyes project the infinite, intense beauty of his heart.  I'll rest in those eyes tonight, let them burn out the darkness that I can allow inside myself.  I will revel in the life that my loved ones fill this home with


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