Time, Slytherins, and...food.

Let me just start with this: I cannot believe its been five years since my attempt at starting a blog. And now, I shall continue on with this: I cannot believe its only been five years since I attempted this blog.

Its kind of perfect my first (and only) blog post began about my children and food. I had no idea at the time that my life would become ridiculously absorbed around both those two things, give or take marriage, job, several moves, pets, injuries and some loyal (crazy) friends who assisted in all these chapters.

I'm married! He's Severus Shape, the Crocodile Hunter, and Captain Hook combined and looks like Richie Sambora. Pretty grand!  He's a snarly genius, loves reptiles more than people, and there's a Huckleberry Finn-little boy part of him that adds the killer hook. You can ask my friends, I'm sunk. Weird fact? Strangers ask if we are brother and sister.  You can be the judge as you look below.

I have learned that love and lust can make a woman think she can be a newlywed and run a full household of a mix bag of preteens simultaneously. I wince as I write this, as there are some stories..for better or for worse. It has brought out my mutant Super Woman powers. I'm Elasta-Girl because of how flexible  I've had to become. Will, my husband, has had to curb the Slytherin  side and find the inner Gryffindor. Blending a family takes a lot of self-change and work, work, work. We have come through a lot together, becoming better versions of ourselves and a super-mutant magical family. Utter dependency on God, a supportive family and church helped amazingly much...and the unceasing listening ear of my bestie, Tiffany.

Its been a few years since then. The kids are all so big now. Russ is 16, Gideon is 13, Cloe is 11.  Will's additions are Beverly, who is 16 and Quentin who is 14. By the end of the year we will have kids ages 12, 14,15,16, and 17. Crazy.


Getting back to the whole cooking part of my life, with kids this age I cook, like, all of the time because we aren't rich and necessity creates creativity. I also bake for a living now and do catering on the side. The kids are spoiled with it though, really. I rarely hear complaints any more, if ever. In fact, I think its safe to say that I've become arrogantly accustomed to the throws of epicurean satisfaction my kids experience when they sit down with their filled plates. I expect a gorgeous chorus of sighs, mmmms, and various compliments.  Dare I say it? Ha, I do dare. My kids complain when I don't cook. True story. (They love catering events for the same reasons hyenas love lions on the Serengeti... leftovers.)

How did this miracle occur, you ask? Answer: Jesus. Pinterest. Marriage. Need for affirmation. And, how am I going to draw my sons home after they've married the women of their dreams? Answer: Make sure I cook better than their wives.

So, I will end here. No longer a single mom, no longer Kitchen Witch of the West. More like Molly Weasely.



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