Quiet on the New Year's...

There's a hush to the house that's almost unsettling. The "after Christmas" bustle has had an abrupt stilling, practically uncomfortable. The presents have all been torn open, the visiting family has all gone back home to their various countries around the world and I feel a mix of depression and relief. The non-stop, loud magic and it's sudden stop has left a quiet,slightly unsettling internal vacancy that I don't quite know what to do with. I suppose I'll ride it out and see where it takes me.

Tonight the Eldest Child and I will sit beside the glowing lights of our pretend pine, and we will make small animals made of felt.  Well,  I will.  She will probably make a Benedict Cumberbatch.  I love that she desires intelligent men.

Aside from the odd post-holiday calm, I sit in the study and smile as I hear The Beast Child and the Troubadour in the kitchen.  Their choice of hauntingly glorious Vivaldi blasting on Ipod speakers is pretty fantastic.  In the Great Room, The Viking child folds his laundry.  The Eldest randomly hums as readies herself for the day, the Youngest is away at a friend's. I take a second to record this  only so that, on later days when these children i've borne into this world cause so much havoc that I wish I could execute stun spells, I will recall that sometimes the Snapelings can be charmingly wonderful all at once.

I suppose this helps look over the dampening thought of how the Snape will probably ring in the New Year.  His shoulders slumped over his desk, his mind full of books and the words he pecks dutifully and passionately out onto the screen.  It's how he spends most of his days.  I don't believe he realizes how few words he actually says aloud to each of us as the sun turns into the moon.  Even if this comes to pass for another night, the Snapelings and I will try and have a magic time together.

Perhaps life is not always how I'd hoped it would be, but I will make the most of the time I have.  These last few moments of the 2014 will hopefully be remembered as special.

Happy New Year x


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